Pet grooming for Cats of all ages and breeds

We are not aesthetic cat groomers and are not specialised in cat styling. Our cat grooming is to help maintain cats natural coats and prevent discomfort. If a cat has tight matts they will need to be clipped out and we can do lion trims if severely matted.

Our preference is to book cat appointments on our regular cat grooming Sundays but other appointments can be made available at the start or end of the day when there are no dogs present.

We always use two people to groom cats to make the process as quick and as relaxing as possible, as well as plug-in feliway and separate cat towels and equipment.

Our Services

Nail Trim


Cat Grooming
Cat grooming £50 and under, from brush outs to baths please call us for more information.

For a quote on our Cat grooming services, call us on

07483 933 680